
DARC Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
since 1957

VFDB Verband der Funkamateure in Telekommunikation und Post
Section Z27

Doppelmitgliedschaft DARC und VFDB
combined DARC and VFDB membership

BARTG British Amateur Radio Teledata Group
member # 25

FOC First Class CW Operators' Club England
member # 737 from 1962 to 1970
member # 1833 since 2005

SWISS-ARTG Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group Switzerland Gründungsmitglied
member at foundation SWISS-ARTG

History of activities as radio amateur

1957 - Member of German Amateur Radio Club DARC
First radio amateur in the city of
Gersthofen near Augsburg Southern Germany,
now a separate section ("Ortsverband") of the DARC

1958 - Amateur Radio License
Call Sign DJ4KW

1960 - 1968 HSC manager
Manager of DARC award "Radio Telegraphy High Speed Club" (HSC),
requiring  CW operation with at least 25 wpm (125 BpM).
Issued and signed several hundred HSC-awards

1961 - VHSC foundation member
Member number 3 of "Very High Speed Club" VHSC,
award of Netherlands amateur radio club VERON.

Membership is open to radio amateurs that are able to use CW speeds above 40 wpm
(200 BpM

1975 - amateur radio license examinator
Member of examination commitee
at 'Oberpostdirektion' in Munich Germany.
German law required that examination commitee
is staffed with at least two
'experienced radio amateurs'.

1975 - 1980 HSC president
President of "Radio Telegraphy High Speed Club" (HSC)

1980 - 1991 DARC BUS RTTY manager
Manager for RTTY in the department BUS ("Referat
Bild und Schrift" i.e. picture and
typing) of DARC headquarter Baunatal

1988 - 1989 DARC Section E34 chairman
Founder and chairman ("Gründungs
-OVV") of new section ("Ortsverband")
Lüneburg-Ilmenau, DOK E34

1988 - 1999 Digipeater DB0AGI
Creator and responsible operator of packet radio repeater ("Digipeater
") in Lüneburg,
licensed as DB0AGI after 2 years of contiuous preceding tests with callsign DJ4KW on 144 MHz
and as DJ4KW-7 on 438 MHz

1988 - Mailbox DB0AGM
Creator and responsible operator of packet radio mailbox in Lüneburg
licensed as DB0AGM after tests with callsign DJ4KW on 3.5/7/14/18/24.9 MHz in AMTOR mode
and on 144/438 MHz with packet radio.

1990 - 2006 DARC Section E34 deputy chairman
"Stellvertretender Ortsverbands-Vorsitzender" of "Ortsverband" Lüneburg-Ilmenau