DK9GG V31GW Belize Central America

OP: YL Gisela Hoffmann, DK9GG
Gumbinner Str. 5a
21337 Lueneburg

QTH: Consejo Shores
Corozal District
Northern Belize, near Mexican border

Continent: North America

Maidenhead Locator: EK58UL

CQ Zone: 7

ITU Zone: 11

IARU Area: 2 

Time Zone: CST Central Standard Time (UTC -6, no Daylight Saving Time)

Belize cell phone +501-621 1200 
(+501 is the Country Code, not an Area Code of the U.S.)





see also

The preferred method of QSL is Logbook of the World (LOTW) by ARRL. Your QSL-card is also welcome. Please no E-QSL.

Please send your request for QSL to DK9GG. Belize does not maintain their own QSL-bureau; QSL's sent to V31GW can not be delivered. QSL-cards sent via the bureau must therefore be marked "via DK9GG". QSO's will be checked using the computer log and QSL-labels will be printed automatically.

All incoming QSL's will be answered. QSL's received from the bureau will be answered using the QSL-service of the DARC (German Amateur Radio Club). QSL's received by mail will be answered direct, if self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage are supplied; German stamps or US$. Postage is 0.75 EUR, a few cents more than 1 USD. If insufficient postage or no self-addressed envelope is supplied, your QSL will be answered via the bureau.